cool guy - hot girl

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

beggars...what do you think..?

although some have steeled their hearts against beggar's soft please but Malaysian still crumpled notes or loose change to the piteous person who collecting tin.....kadang2 i pn x sanggup  buat derk je kat dorg...sbb nnti tkut kite ni jd sombong lak lau x bg...mesti korg pn camtu gak kan..?
errmm..tu la hakikat kat kat kite yg ad ni kene la bg to the yg penting kene la sincere..klau setakat nk menunjuk2 tu mmg xde ape la yg kite dpt dr ape yg kite bg...
so be sincere of what you'd gave to them....
tp skrg ni ad lak kan syndicate yg sengaja nk amek kesempatan ....klau yg tu i pn thu la nk comment ape...klau u'll rse nk bg derma i advice tgk dulu la the way the beggars tu act...n jgn pk twice to do so sbb biasenye klau kite pk twice ni mmg xbg la jawabnye...haha..

btw....hope that kite dpt keberkatan atas ape yng kite bg kat needy selama ni...=)..amin..!


tq sbb bace entry ni =)..sayang korg..


  1. Tp dorg ni kadang2 xleh pcaye kann . hmm =/

  2. btol2...mmg ad yg xbleh nk percaya sgt...nmpak mcm sihat klau rse beggars tu nmpak cam ssh je bleh la kite tlg..:)
